Together we Ensure our Scholars' Success: SEED DC's COVID-19 Update

Dear friend of SEED DC,

I hope this newsletter finds you well and coping with the unprecedented circumstances of this pandemic. COVID-19 has changed our lives significantly and as we look for ways to stay connected please know that we are thinking of you and your loved ones.

At SEED DC, we are focused on the health and safety of our community and supporting our scholars, graduates, and families. With this in mind, we have decided to extend our virtual learning program to the end of the school year while our campus remains closed. We are excited to provide a meaningful experience to our scholars and families, albeit remotely.    

We are continuing the work of our 24-hour program with a heroic effort from our academic, student life and student support services staff. SEED DC is providing our scholars with many of the same supports they received while living on campus during the week. Our unique student life program has them engaged in social-emotional exercises that reinforce wellness as well as teaching organizational and study skills in a virtual environment while they remain at home.

Many of you have reached out to us to express concern and care for our seniors.  I share your same sentiments.  I’ve seen these incredible young women and men grow through our program since they started at SEED DC in middle school.  I am excited to announce that a Class of 2020 task force meets weekly to decide how we will honor our Class of 2020. We have generated a lot of creative ideas and are looking to hear what the preferences of our seniors and their families are.  Please know that we will be celebrating them and that they are still receiving the same intensive support from our college counselor so that they stay on track to enroll in college. 

Together, we are ensuring that the coronavirus does not derail our scholars' progress toward fulfilling our mission to prepare them academically and socially to successfully access and complete college. Thank you for supporting this mission in whatever way you can.  Every gesture matters during these uncharted waters!

SEED DC is honored to have you as a partner as we adjust to this new educational environment. If you have any questions or would like to know how you can help, please reach out to my colleague Nat Wyeth, Director of Development, at

With gratitude,

Mecha Inman

Head of School