“Rutinas y Horarios”


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced all of us to adjust our daily habits and routines to remain safe.  Spanish teacher and track coach, Rosalyn D. Lake-Montero uses social media to help add fun to her virtual Spanish classes. Using Instagram, Google Classroom, Duolingo, and FaceTime for tutoring sessions, Ms. Lake has helped scholars utilize digital platforms to create their own video clips.

Ms. Lake believes that promoting health and mindfulness is vital when educating her students. Like our new NXTLevel Acceleration Academy, a virtual program held during Spring Break where our scholars attend sessions focused on wellness, self-care, and creating healthy habits, Ms. Lake is finding innovative ways to weave social and emotional programming into her virtual lesson plans. Ms. Lake challenges our scholars to utilize their Spanish vocabulary to document their routines at home and incorporate healthy habits while social distancing

Still coaching SEED DC’s cross-country team from afar, Ms. Lake encourages her scholars to stay fit for the benefit of their bodies and their minds. As a first-generation college graduate, she knows the importance of daily habits in sustaining success in college and beyond.  Overall, Ms. Lake is a SEED DC superstar who goes above and beyond to serve our scholars.

Check out SEED DC’s Facebook page to see more about how we are serving our community!